Welcome to Rescue Quest

Our vision is a compassionate and sustainable world where animals and people thrive, wildlife is abundant and nature flourishes. 

Rescue Quest is a platform for collaboration with individuals, communities, organisations and companies to take action together as a united network for benefit of the collective of animals, people and the environment. 

We recognise that no single organisation or individual can achieve lasting change alone. That’s why collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. By building strong networks, we amplify our collective impact and solutions. 

In the current world, innovation and collaboration are important keys to unlocking real change. Using digital innovations and AI technologies in ethical ways can propel momentum in creating a compassionate, and sustainable future for all. 

This organisation is committed to nurturing an inclusive and diverse community. We know that different backgrounds, perspectives and experiences enrich our mission and enable us to approach challenges with creativity and empathy. 

We prioritise creating a safe and welcoming space for all and understand that the well-being and safety of both the animals we rescue and the people who collaborate with us are essential to achieving lasting, meaningful change. 

Collaborations and Impact
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